Our Mission

Without the support of our donors and volunteers, rescuing and rehabilitating as many horses and other livestock animals as possible would be impossible. Our mission relies on the generosity and dedication of those who contribute to our cause.

At The Sanctuary at Lakota Farms, we are committed to providing a second chance to horses that have suffered neglect, abuse, and mistreatment. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome these animals, providing them with the care and attention they need to recover and thrive. For those horses that are unable to be rehomed due to ongoing medical issues or age, we offer a safe haven where they can live out their lives with dignity, respect, and love.

In addition to our rescue efforts, we also believe in the power of education and outreach. We strive to raise awareness about the plight of horses and the importance of their well-being. We want to inspire compassion and advocacy in our community, promoting a better understanding of these magnificent animals and their needs. By promoting the bond between horses and humans, we hope to foster a greater appreciation for the value these animals bring to our lives.

We recognize that our mission is only possible through the support of our community. We rely on the dedication of our volunteers, the generosity of our donors, and the commitment of our staff to make a difference in the lives of these animals. Together, we can create a world where horses are treated with the care and respect they deserve. We believe that every horse deserves a happy, healthy life, and we will continue to work tirelessly until that vision becomes a reality.

Meet our Most

Recent Rescue


Bada is our most recent new resident to the Sanctuary, joining us in December of 2022.

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Sanctuary Success Stories

Contact us to get started sponsoring or adopting one of our beautiful horses

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